Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Pada Pembelajaran Pecahan di SMP

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Mathematics realistic is more stress to the use of concrete objects in order to obtain a mathematical concept that will be studied. Concrete objects are contained in the neighborhood used to establish the relationship between mathematics through social interaction. Teachers provide an opportunity for students to learn mathematics in a manner and language of their own.
According to Hans Fredental, there are two kinds of mathematical, namely horizontal mathematical and vertical mathematical. Horizontal mathematical occurs when students are faced with mathematical problems that exist in everyday life, while the vertical mathematical occurs when students find strategies to solve problems or use mathematical formulas in solving problems.
By learning fractions in Senior High School is expected to:
1.      Invented the concept of fractions
2.      Understand the concept of fractions
3.      Explain the link between the one concept of fractions with another concept of fractions and apply the concept of fractions
4.      Manipulation of fractions
5.      Describe the use of fractions
6.      Appreciate the usefulness of fractions in everyday life
Development of realistic problems associated with fractions can be done through variety of learning fractions, among others:
1.      Fractions and shape
2.      Simple fractions
3.      Changing fractions with numerator greater than denominator mixture into fractions
4.      Comparing fractions
5.      Sorting a few fractions
6.      Decimal fractions
7.      Percent
8.      Add and subtract fractions whose denominator equal
9.      Add and subtract fractions whose denominator differ
10.  Add and subtract mixed fractions
11.  Multiplication and division of fractions
Learning fractions in Senior High School required several steps, among others:
1.      Students are given the opportunity to understand and work on fractions
2.      Students are given the opportunity to acquire knowledge about fractions in its own way
3.      Teachers give students the chance to be more active in learning
4.      Teachers are be able to develop an interactive learning

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