Senin, 26 Desember 2011

KTSP dan Implementasinya

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

KTSP was developed based on the principles, among others:
a.       Centered on the potential, developments, needs, and interests of learners and the environment
b.      Diverse and integrated
c.       Responsive to developments in science, technology, and art
d.      Relevant to the needs of life
e.       Comprehensive and sustainable
f.       Lifelong learning
g.      Balance between national interests and regional interests
KTSP components include:
a.       The purpose of education level of the educational unit
b.      Operational reference level of the education curriculum, with attention to things, among others:
1.      The increase of faith and piety and noble character
2.      Increasing the potential, intelligence, and interests in accordance with the developmental level and ability of learners
3.      The diversity of potential and regional characteristic and the environment
4.      Demands of regional and national development
5.      Demands of the workplace
6.      Developments in science, technology, and art
7.      Religion
8.      The dynamics of global development
9.      National unity and national values
10.  Social and cultural conditions of local
11.  Gender equality
12.  Characteristic of the educational units
The structure and content of curriculum, including:
a.       Subject
b.      Local charge
c.       Self-development activities
d.      Load setting to learn
e.       Increase in class, graduation
f.       Life skills education
g.      Educational excellence based local and global

Pendalaman dan Pengembangan Konsep Kurikulum 2004 dan Silabus Berbasis Kompetensi Matematika SMP

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Competencies developed in the training, among others:
a.       Understanding the basic concepts of competency-based curriculum
b.      Understand the concepts, principles, and general steps developing of competence-based syllabus for junior high school
c.       Understand the concepts, principles, and steps developing syllabus competency-based mathematics courses for junior high school
d.      Can developing syllabus competency-based mathematics courses for junior high school accordance with the characteristics of the area of each
e.       Provide feed-back and look for solutions of the problems found in implementation
Participants training of trainers (TOT) will acquire competencies expected if they:
a.       Have willingness, awareness and motivation to develop the KBK for mathematics courses
b.      Having knowledge of basic principles for the development of mathematics courses KBK
c.       Given the opportunity to practice develop KBK mathematics courses so that they will acquire the skills and experience
d.      Having the opportunity to present aspects constraints implementation the KBK in the field
The method used in training, among others:
a.       Expository
b.      Group discussion
c.       Assignment
d.      Studies reference
e.       Practice development
Step by step preparation of syllabus based competency subjects of mathematics, among others:
a.       Identification of subject
b.      Deployment and sequencing of competency standards
c.       Determination of basic competencies
d.      Determination and description of learning materials
e.       Determination of the learning experience
f.       Determination of time allocation
g.      Resource
h.      Development of learning units

Standar Proses untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Standard process for elementary and secondary education unit, among others:
a.       Planning the learning process
b.      Implementation the learning process
c.       Assessment the learning outcomes
d.      Supervision the learning process
Planning the learning process involves the syllabus and the implementation plan learning (RPP). In practice, the development of the syllabus can be done by:
a.       The teachers independently or in groups in a school or number of schools
b.      Group deliberations subject teachers (MGMP)
c.       Teacher activity center (PKG)
d.      Department of education
RPP components include:
a.       The identity of the subjects
b.      Standards of competence
c.       Basic competence
d.      Indicator achievement of competence
e.       Learning objectives
f.       Teaching materials
g.      Allocation of time
h.      Methods of learning
i.        Learning activities (introduction, core, cover)
j.        Assessment of learning outcomes
k.      Learning resources
Principles of RPP, among others:
a.       Taking into account the individual differences of learners
b.      Encourage active participation of learners
c.       Developing a culture of reading and writing
d.      Provides feedback and follow-up
e.       Linkage and integration
f.       Applying information and communication technology
Implementation requirements of the learning process, among others:
a.       The presence of textbooks
b.      The presence of classroom management