Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Wawasan Tentang Strategi dan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Some characteristics of the mathematical school, among others:
a.       Mathematics as search activity patters and relationship
b.      Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition, and findings
c.       Mathematics as a problem solving activities
d.      Mathematics as a tool to communicate
Some characteristic of students studying mathematics, among others:
a.       Students will learn mathematics if they have the motivation to learn
b.      Students will learn mathematics in its own way
c.       Students will learn mathematics either independently or in collaboration with his friend
d.      Students require a context and a different situation in studying mathematics
According to Paul, the attitude is an individual readiness to react so it is a disposition of a relatively fixed which has been owned by the experience that took place regularly and purposeful. According to Krech, the attitude is a system consisting of components of cognitive, feelings, and tendencies to act. So the attitude is tendency of feeling towards the object of psychology that is a positive attitude and negative attitude, while the degree of sense intended as the degree of assessment of the object.
Curriculum of mathematics that based competency, including:
a.       Standards of competence
b.      Format syllabus
c.       Step by step preparation of syllabus based basic skills mathematics courses
d.      Determination and description of learning materials, including:
1.      Fact
2.      Understanding
3.      Reasoning skills
4.      Algorithmic skills
5.      Mathematical problem solving skills
6.      Investigate skills
e.       Development of learning units, including:
1.      The identity of the subjects
2.      Basic skills
3.      Learning materials
4.      Learning strategies
5.      Learning media
6.      Assessment
7.      resource

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