Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Landasan Pengembangan Desain Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Lanjutan

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Several methods of learning according to Cocroft Report, among others:
a.       Exposition method
b.      Discussion method
c.       Problem-solving method
d.      Discovery method
e.       Training method
f.       Application method
Some of the obstacles faced by teachers in delivering mathematics learning materials, among others:
a.       Understanding the meaning of the mathematical theory
b.      Understanding of how to apply
c.       Understanding of existing system
d.      Understanding of the environmental conditions
e.       Understanding of existing learning facilities
To be able to create an atmosphere of learning that is not boring, it takes several steps that must be done by teachers, among others:
a.       Preparation steps
-          Planning the learning environment
-          Determining the necessary learning resources
-          Plan activities that are flexible
-          Engaging students in mathematics learning environment
b.      Learning steps
-          Developing the role of teacher
-          Encourage and develop student understanding
-          Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate ability to do mathematics activities
-          Encourage students to take responsibility for their learning
c.       Evaluation steps
-          Observing the activities of students
-          Assess students’ understanding of learning material being taught
-          Assess students’ learning process
-          Assess the skills of students
-          Assess the fact that students know
-          Assess the results of the students get

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