Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator: Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH IV YOGYAKARTA

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

The calculator is an alectronic device that can be used to count and can be used as well in math-related learning such as math, aconomics, and others. In developed countries, the use of calculators has been started since education in primary schools through education with the highest level. The use of calculators that can help students learn so much in use among students.
According Wasito, the calculator is a specialized tool to perform arithmetic with the preparation of data and instructions are included this. Benefits of the use of calculators, among others, helped to understand mathematical concepts, help to strengthen computational skills, develop high level thinking skills, improve problem-solving skills, and make problem-solving more realistic.
Implementation of research objectives is to identify the use of graphing calculators in mathematics learning and knowing how big the response of the students to use graphing calculators in mathematics learning process. Achieved the expected goals is to understand the learning activities of teachers and students in learning mathematics.
The results include several things, among others, important order from Texas Instruments calculator TI 89, the discussion of systems of linear equations of two variables with the help of Texas Instruments calculator TI 89, the response of the students to use calculators in mathematics learning processes, and stages the use calculators as a tool aids. Several important orders from the Texas Instruments calculator TI 89, among others, solve command, simult command, and expand command.
Student responses to the use of calculators in mathematics learning process, among others, the calculator allows students to do the sum, the calculator makes the class more interesting, difficulty understanding the questions that will be included into the calculator, the difficulty to analyze and provide conclusions about the response of the calculator, as well as cause lazy students to think and have a dependency on calculators.
Stages of the use of calculators as a learning tool in mathematics at SMK Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta IV, among others, the first step to understand the importance of the graphing calculator, the second stage to understand the theory and use of graphing calculators in problems solving, the third stage of entering data into the graphing calculator problems, and the fourth stage of interpret the appearance the graphing calculator screen and draw conclusions.

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