Jumat, 25 November 2011

Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Internal quality assurance system or SPMI in UNY refers to the quality assurance system of university that implemented the eight standards in accordance with Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005, namely:
a.       Content or curriculum standards
b.      Learning process standards
c.       Competency standards
d.      Education and educational personnel standards
e.       Facilities and infrastructure standards
f.       Management standards
g.      Financing standards
h.      Educational assessment standards
Document the performance standards of academic fields, among others:
a.       Organization
b.      Administration
c.       Management
d.      Graduate
e.       Lectures, support staff, and students
f.       Cooperation
g.      Tridarma university of education and teaching, research or scientific work, community service
h.      The main supporters, among others P3AI, libraries, UPPL, UPSB, UPBK, UPP
Improving the quality of the SPMI can be done by:
a.       Evaluation is conducted on SPMI is a system, not an evaluation of the achievement standards
b.      Internal evaluation is an evaluation of SPMI as a system
c.       External evaluation is an evaluation by a party outside the universities, both nationally and internationally of SPMI as a system
Instruments used in the SPMI, among others:
a.       Monitoring the academic performance standards instrument
b.      Course mapping instrument
c.       Performance of semester courses instrument
d.      Faculty accreditation form
e.       The first week of classes instrument
f.       Monitoring mid-term instrument
g.      Monitoring PBM instrument
h.      Orderly campus instrument
i.        Monitoring the academic performance instrument
j.        Monitoring non academic performance instrument
k.      Monitoring five working days instrument
l.        Monitoring block grant instrument

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