Jumat, 04 November 2011

Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru Matematika Melalui Model-Model Pembelajaran, Lesson Study dan PTK Melalui Peningkatan Peran MGMP

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

At this time, developing teachers’ professional into something that a prospective teacher must be done before you actually becomes a professional teacher. To get permission to teach in a school, teachers are required to have a professional teaching certificate or diploma. The aim of developing the profession is to create the skills of teachers, high value jobs, so the skills and the jobs’ attractive, liked by others, and teachers can do the job with reward of pay, wages, and salaries.
In the teaching and learning activities, teachers act as communicator and facilitator for the students. Teachers provide the facilities needed by students to increase their learning abilities. While the students as a center of learning, active in learning and problem solving. Teachers help students who experience difficulty in learning and solving problems.
Developing MGMP that based IT as a function service development service model of learning and professional development of teachers, including:
a.       MGMP based on Website
b.      MGMP as a vehicle to find the source of the development of mathematics education
c.       MGMP as a vehicle to develop lesson plans
d.      MGMP as a vehicle for the development of PBM
e.       MGMP as a vehicle for professional development
f.       Making MGMP role, among others:
1.      Searching
2.      Collecting
3.      Creating
4.      Communicating
5.      Sharing
6.      Coordinating
7.      Meeting
8.      Socializing
9.      Evaluating
10.  Buying-selling
11.  Learning
12.  Enjoying

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