Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK)

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Some foundation curriculum based competency development, among others:
a.       Philosophical foundation à Pancasila
b.      Juridical foundation à UUD 1945 and GBHN in 1999
c.       Empirical foundation à social, economic, cultural, globalization, international curriculum comparisons
d.      Theorists foundation
e.       Context foundation
f.       Pragmatic foundation
Curriculum based competency is the plan and arrangement of the competencies that must be accomplished learners, learning activities, assessment, and the empowerment of educational resources. Method curriculum based competency development, include:
a.       Research
b.      Dissemination
c.       Development
Some issues related to the development of the curriculum based competency, among others:
a.       Learning that is contextual
b.      Changes in the function of teachers / instructors as facilitator in the learning
c.       Formulation of a clear standard of competence
d.      Emphasizing on the balance the development of attitudes / morals, academic competence, life skills, arts, and sports
e.       Focusing on the ability to communicate through oral and written language
Basic skills learners is a measure of minimum capabilities that include knowledge, skills, and attitudes that must be achieved, it is known by learners at every level of a subject. Basic skills learners need to be mastered in order to achieve competency standards that have been determined. In a matter of learning there is a fundamental learning, which is the subject of a study of materials that can be either the field of teaching, content, processes, skills, or scientific context of a subject.
According Ebbutt and Straker, the essence students will learn if:
a.       Students will learn if you have the motivation to learn
b.      Students will learn independently
c.       Students will learn as a group or partnership
d.      Students will learn if there is a context in learning
The nature of the object studied, among others:
a.       Ontology
b.      Epistemology
c.       Aksiologi

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