Kamis, 10 November 2011

Implementasi KTSP dan Proses Pembelajaran di SMK

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

National education standards include:
a.       Content standards
b.      Process standards
c.       Competency standards
d.      Educator standards and educational personnel
e.       Facilities and infrastructure standards
f.       Financing standards
g.      Management standards
h.      Assessment standards
Shape the development of quality vocational school:
a.       Local excellence
b.      The international standard
c.       Focus special needs
d.      Enrichment of local excellence
Stages of development of quality vocational school:
a.       Preparation
b.      Establish
c.       Cropping
The performance development of quality vocational school:
a.       Competitiveness of local
b.      Protection of social order
c.       Welfare
d.      Togetherness
e.       Equality
KTSP continuous improvement needs to be done. Starting from KTSP plan and then to be implemented, after implemented an evaluation to provide reflection and revision. Therefore, the paradigm of school reform necessary to improve the existing education system today is form the traditional education system into a modern educational system or student-centered, among others changes in terms of:
a.       Centralized à decentralized
b.       Authoritarian à democratic
c.       Closed à transparent
d.      Served à serve
e.       Routines à innovative
f.       Reactive à proactive
g.      Ruled à invite
h.      Uniformistic à diversity
i.        Prohibited criticism à needed criticism

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