Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Persoalan Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

            Learning mathematics which is currently implemented by teachers in schools still largely traditional in nature. That is where the teacher is the most dominant role while the students are simply acting as a good listener. Less activeness of students is also a weakness of the traditional nature of learning mathematics. In addition, the method of learning mathematics that is still traditional in nature also led the teachers encountered some difficulties, among others, teachers have difficulty in facilitating the students in learning mathematics, teachers had difficulty in encouraging students to be more achievement, teachers have difficulty in using props that can be used in learning mathematics, and teachers have difficulty in encouraging students to learn to cooperate with other friends or work in teams.
            According to Cockroft Report any level of mathematics learning should be a vehicle for teachers to be able to realize the selection of several methods of dynamically and flexibly among others, exposition methods, discussion methods, training methods, discovery methods, problem solving methods, and methods of use props.
            To improve teaching competence of teachers and also students learning competencies, required the effort of teachers to improve students activeness in learning in the classroom. Efforts can be made of teachers, among others, developed the use of visual aids in education teaching and learning activities, developing the student worksheet, develop the application of group discussions, and developing the learning activities within the group. The efforts have benefits and constraints of each.
            Developing the use of demonstration equipment has its benefits, among others, providing variety in teaching and learning activities, providing a variety of learning methods are used, providing a different learning atmosphere, and can clarify the concept. Barriers in the use of demonstration equipment, among others, are less full props are owned schools, and require high creativity for teachers to be able to develop educational props.
           Developing the student worksheet has the benefit of, among others, provide opportunities for students to learn independently or in groups, as well as provide opportunities for students to perform activities of discovery. While the barriers among others, things require additional costs, and will add to the workload of teachers.
            Developing applications have group discussions among other benefits, teach students to respect the opinions of others, can find a relationship between one concept with another concept, as well as improving students thinking abilities. While the barriers among others, students who are not familiar with the method of discussion, the more dominant the students who are smart, as well as material that can be used as the material is relatively little discussion.
            Developing the learning activities within the group has benefited among others, encourages students to think and discuss with the others, giving students the chance to cooperate with friends with a group, as well as providing a different learning atmosphere. While the barriers are still high dominance of the students are smart.

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