Jumat, 23 September 2011

Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007 Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

            Microsoft Word 2007 is a software that is easy to apply and there are in every computer. With so many applications that exist in Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Word 2007 so it can be used as a medium of learning in subjects such as geometry. With the media used in teaching and learning activities, students not become bored in learning mathematics.
            By using the application in Microsoft Word 2007, students can create different kinds of geometry that is by using Autoshapes applications. With the application of these Autoshapes students can make up the geometry such as wake-up flat for example triangular, square or rectangular, five regular terms, six regular terms, and eight regular terms. Build-up still simple geometries can be created using the Basic Shapes application by pulling into the destination.
            In addition to making various kinds of flat wake, with application in Microsoft word 2007 can also make up a variety of regular spaces. Build space can be obtained by drawing the flat side up, and then came to pick up the 3D flat rectangular lot that can be converted to build the space. However, to be able to make up the space, in Microsoft Word 2007 should have the facility drawings.
            Microsoft Word 2007 can also be used by teachers to give the question of volume and surface area of space up to the student with the teacher first presents a picture up that space. Images are to be used in learning mathematics to make the steps for setting up the volume or surface area of space.
            In addition to drawing a flat wake and the spaces, with Microsoft Word 2007 can also be carried out wake geometry transformation. Build can be shifted by doing dragged without changing the shape and size of the wake origin. To perform a rotation of a flat wake, wake-click it and choose the option rotation. To perform a reflection of a flat wake, using the option rotate or flip. Flip itself can be selected will be flip horizontal or flip vertical. Can also be dilated, or maximize or minimize object. Dilatation is done by using the shift key along with doing dragged at one end of the wake geometry will dilated.
            By using Microsoft Word 2007, there are some advantages or benefits to be gained. The advantages are, among others, Microsoft Word 2007 is one of the software that is easy in use, students will be more happy and motivated in mathematics learning activities, with Microsoft Word 2007 that students can learn more independently and in groups and can perform the investigation of the concepts of geometry, with Microsoft Word 2007 students can do exercises or problems solving related  to mathematics in particular related to the geometry.

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