Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Menuju Perguruan Tinggi Bertaraf Internasional (PTBI) “Yogyakarta State University On The Move Toward World Class University”

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) towards World Class University (WCU) is an attempt by the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) together with organizations and educators in realizing the advantages of international standards in the field of Teaching and Education Programs, Research and Publication, as well as the Organization and Management Education. State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) towards World Class University (WCU), which meets international standard is expected to produce graduates who are qualified and excel in a global world. State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) to be towards World Class University (WCU) must have planning and preparation as well as programs that can be accountable to both environmental stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally.
To get to the World Class University (WCU) there are several aims and programs to be achieved. Some of these aims, among others, availability of facilities and infrastructure that support for the WCU, the availability of international-standard curriculum, availability of learning resources of international standard, the availability of teaching staff who support the WCU, the achievement of internationally-accredited study program, the achievement of the learning process of international standard, the achievement of student learning outcomes assessment will be of international standard, the achievement of international standards of competence of educators, the achievement of international standards of competence of students, and others.
While the programs are to be achieved with a World Class University (WCU), among others, to develop international-standard curriculum, to develop teaching and learning processes of international standard, to develop learning outcomes assessment system of international standard, to develop a study program of international standard, to develop learning resources international standard, to develop international-standard teaching staff, to develop facilities and infrastructure that support for the WCU, to develop students an international standard of competence, and others.
The results have been achieved by the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) in towads World Class University (WCU), among others, the professors who have developed a method of learning the international level, implementation of activities at international level as an international seminar held either at the faculty and university level, the holding of overseas study tours, a number of study program at the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) of international standards, international-class student exchanges with overseas partners, development of international-standard curriculum, and others.

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