Jumat, 04 November 2011

Pedoman Khusus Pengembangan Silabus Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) / Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN)

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

Planning and developing curriculum needs to pay attention to:
a.       Specific guidelines for the development of syllabus
b.      Technical guidelines for implementation of the curriculum developed
c.       Supporting the curriculum in its various firms, such as resource books, teaching facilities, and the ability of teachers
d.      The involvement of teachers and other education personnel in planning and developing curriculum
e.       The need for socialization curriculum development to stake holder
f.       The need for ongoing evaluation of the implementation of curriculum
Step by step of syllabus based basic skills mathematics courses, among others:
a.       Identification of subjects
b.      Deployment and sequencing of standard competences
c.       Determination of basic skills
d.      Determination and description of learning materials, including:
1.      Classification of learning materials
2.      Learning materials
e.       Determination of the learning experience
Learning strategies can be developed:
1.      Emphasis in problem solving
2.      Studied in various contexts of everyday life
3.      Encourage students as active learners
4.      Appreciating the uniqueness of the student and pay attention to the diversity of student differences
5.      Learning through cooperative learning
6.      Developing assessment
f.       Determination of allocation time
g.      The source material
h.      Development of learning units, include:
1.      the identity of the subjects
2.      basic skills
3.      learning materials
4.      learning strategies
5.      learning media
6.      assessment
7.      the source material

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