Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Pembelajaran Matematika Berdasarkan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi di SMK

By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi Yuniarti

According to Ploden Report, the characteristics of traditional mathematics teaching, among others:
a.       Separated subject matter
b.      Teachers as distributor of knowledge
c.       Passive pupil role
d.      Pupils have no say in curriculum planning
e.       Accent on memory, practice and rote
f.       External rewards used
g.      Teachers give highest priority to academic attainment
h.      Regular testing
i.        Accent on competition
j.        Little emphasis on creative expression
While the characteristic of progressive learning mathematics, among others:
a.       Integrated subject matter
b.      Teachers as guide to educational experiences
c.       Active pupil role
d.      Pupils participate in curriculum planning
e.       Learning predominantly by discovery techniques
f.       External rewards and punishments not necessary
g.      Teachers give high priority to social and emotional development
h.      Little testing
i.        Accent on cooperative group work
j.        Accent on creative expression
Characteristic of students include:
a.       The development of cognitive aspects
b.      Hierarchy of affective aspects
c.       The development of psychomotor aspects
Mathematics learning strategies that can be applied, among others:
a.       Emphasis on problem solving
b.      Learning in various contexts in daily life
c.       Encourage students as active learners
d.      Appreciating the uniqueness of the students and pay attention to the diversity of student differences
e.       Learning through cooperative learning
f.       Developing assessment in the test system
Allocation of time required is determined by:
a.       Difficulty level of material
b.      Wide range of material
c.       Frequency and level of the material being studied
d.      Distribution and number of competencies learned in every semester

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