Fifi Yuniarti
Pendidikan Matematika Swadana
to implement a method of learning?
Learning method is a way of learning that is used to convey a matter or
topic. The method of learning is determined by the teacher with a look at the
environmental conditions of students and abilities of students. The method of
learning that is expected is a method of learning of students-centered. A
teacher is only as facilitators. A teacher should be able to develop learning
methods that can make students active in the classroom, not just listening to
teachers lecture course.
to implement student’s apperception?
In learning, a student needs
apperception in order to undergo mathematics learning activities as well. To
assess apperception of students, teachers can help students by asking the
material that has been previously studied to assess student’s understanding of
the topic before. Can also be carried out with the teacher giving spontaneous
questions to students about the topics that will be studied in the learning of
mathematics and students to answer these questions based on the knowledge they
How to implement
student’s worksheet?
worksheet is one means to help and facilitate students in mathematics learning
activities that will form an effective interaction between students and
teachers, and can increase student’s activity in improving learning
achievement. According to orang berambut putih "LKS
bukanlah sekedar kumpulan soal, melainkan LKS adalah wahana bagi siswa untuk
beraktivitas untuk menemukan ilmu atau menemukan rumus matematikanya. Maka
seorang guru harus mengembangkan sendiri LKS nya".
Based on the statements of orang berambut putih, student’s worksheet contain
not only a matter of practice, but student’s worksheet are expected to can help
the students to add information about the topic being studied and can increase
student’s skills in independent learning.
How to motivate the
students from the punishment?
is given by the teacher to do for example if students are late or not doing
their homework. However, the punishment given by the teacher must educate
punishment. For example, teachers ask students to work on a mathematics problem
in front of the class or may provide punishment for students who are late, by
asking students to remove the white-board. So that the punishment given by the
teacher to the students will not burden the students but rather the punishment
can educate students who make mistakes.
How to implement the use of learning
media and learning in groups?
media is all objects that may mediate the occurrence of a learning activity.
With the use of learning media, it is expected will make students more
understand the concepts being studied and may provide various activities for
students. Therefore, teachers must be able to provide the opportunity for every
student to be able to use these learning media. The teacher can divide students
in a class into small groups, each group can discuss about the topic being
studied using these learning media. According to orang berambut putih, " Hakekat ilmu itu diperoleh dengan cara
berinteraksi antara obyektif dan subyektif, antara teori dan praktek, antara
guru dan siswa, antara siswa dan siswa, ..dst. Maka diskusi kelompok itu
sebenarnya adalah sunatullah”.
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