By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Fifi
KTSP was developed based on the principles,
among others:
a. Centered
on the potential, developments, needs, and interests of learners and the
b. Diverse
and integrated
c. Responsive
to developments in science, technology, and art
d. Relevant
to the needs of life
e. Comprehensive
and sustainable
f. Lifelong
g. Balance
between national interests and regional interests
KTSP components include:
a. The
purpose of education level of the educational unit
b. Operational
reference level of the education curriculum, with attention to things, among others:
1. The
increase of faith and piety and noble character
2. Increasing
the potential, intelligence, and interests in accordance with the developmental
level and ability of learners
3. The
diversity of potential and regional characteristic and the environment
4. Demands
of regional and national development
5. Demands
of the workplace
6. Developments
in science, technology, and art
7. Religion
8. The
dynamics of global development
9. National
unity and national values
10. Social
and cultural conditions of local
11. Gender
12. Characteristic
of the educational units
The structure and content of curriculum,
a. Subject
b. Local
c. Self-development
d. Load
setting to learn
e. Increase
in class, graduation
f. Life
skills education
g. Educational
excellence based local and global