Selasa, 03 April 2012


Program of Study / Faculty  : Mathematics Education / MIPA
Name of School                     : SMP N 4 Kalasan
Subject                                   : Mathematics
Class / Semester                     : VII / 1
Time Allocation                     : 20 minutes
Standard of Competence
1.      Understanding the properties of arithmetic operations of number and use in problem solving
Basic Competence
1.2  Using the properties of integer arithmetic operations and fractions in problem solving
1.2.1 Find the properties of addition on integers
1.2.2 Resolving problems relating to the properties of addition on integers  
I.      Learning Objectives
After the students work on worksheets and discussing with the other students are expected to:
1.      The students can find the properties of addition on integers
2.      The students can use the properties of addition on integers in problem solving
II.      Learning Materials
Addition Properties on Integers
a.      Closure Law
1)      2 + 5 = 7
2 is an integer member
5 is an integer member
7 is an integer member
2)      17 + (-9) = 8
17 is an integer member
-9 is an integer member
8 is an integer member
3)      (-32) + (-11) = -43
-32 is an integer member
-11 is an integer member
-43 is an integer member
From example 1), 2) and 3), the sum of two integers above is an integer.
Properties above is Closure Law.
That is, if a and b are element of integers then a + b also element of integer.
b.      Commutative Properties
1)      7 + 8 = 15
2)      8 + 7 = 15
3)      2 + (-17) = -15
4)      (-17) + 2 = -15
5)      (-3) + (-5) = -8
6)      (-5) + (-3) = -8
From example 1) and 2) it can be concluded:
7 + 8 = 8 + 7
From example 3) and 4) it can be concluded:
2 + (-17) = (-17) + 2
From example 5) and 6) it can be concluded:
(-3) + (-5) = (-5) + (-3)
Properties above is Commutative Properties.
That is, if a and b are element of integers then:
a + b = b + a
c.       Associative Properties
1)      (9 + 8) + 2 = 19
2)      9 + (8 + 2) = 19
3)      ((-7) + 12) + (-13) = -8
4)      (-7) + (12 + (-13)) = -8
5)      ((-3) + (-1)) + (-5) = -9
6)      (-3) + ((-1) + (-5)) = -9
From example 1) and 2) it can be concluded:
(9 + 8) + 2 = 9 + (8 + 2)
From example 3) and 4) it can be concluded:
((-7) + 12) + (-13) = (-7) + (12 + (-13))
From example 5) and 6) it can be concluded:
 ((-3) + (-1)) + (-5) = (-3) + ((-1) + (-5))
Properties above is Associative Properties.
That is, if a, b, and c are element of integers then:
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
d.      Identity Element
1)      8 + 0 = 8
2)      0 + 8 = 8
3)      (-12) + 0 = -12
4)      0 + (-12) = -12
From example 1) and 2) it can be concluded:
8 + 0 = 0 + 8 = 8
From example 3) and 4) it can be concluded:
 (-12) + 0 = 0 + (-12) = -12
For every a is an integer then:
a + 0 = 0 + a = a
So, 0 is Identity Element on addition of integer.
 e.       Inverse of Addition
1)      -1 + 1 = 0
2)      -2 + 2 = 0
From example 1) and 2) it can be concluded that, for every a is an integer then:
                                                 a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0        
So, -a is Inverse of Addition for every a is integer.
III.      Learning Methods
Expository method and demonstration method.
IV.      Teaching and Learning Activity
Teacher Activity
Student Activity
A.    Introduction
3 minutes
Teacher says greeting, and with students pray together
Students answer greetings and pray
30 seconds
Teacher reminded the students that have studied the topic at a previous meeting, about the members of integers and arithmetic operations on integers
Students listen and express the topic has been studied in a previous meeting
1 minutes
Teacher tells the students the topic to be studied about addition properties on integers
Students listen
30 seconds
Teacher motivate the students with give explanations about the importance of knowing addition properties on integers for example in counting many oranges
Students listen
1 minutes
B.     Main Activity
14 minutes
Teacher gives worksheet for each students
Students receive the worksheet
30 seconds
Teacher asks students to read the instructions on the worksheet
Students read the instructions
30 seconds
Teacher gives one explanation of addition properties on integers that is closure law in accordance with examples that have been available at the worksheet
Students observe the examples
1 minutes
Teacher gives chance to students to solve the next problem in worksheet so that students will find the commutative properties of addition on integers
Students work on worksheet
2 minutes
Teacher asked one student to write the answers on the whiteboard
Student working on the whiteboard
1 minutes
Teacher gives chance to students to solve the next problem in worksheet so that students will find the associative properties of addition on integers
Students work on worksheet
2 minutes
Teacher asked one student to write the answers on the whiteboard
Student working on the whiteboard
1 minutes
Teacher gives chance to students to solve the next problem in worksheet so that students will find the element of identity on addition of integers
Students work on worksheet
2 minutes
Teacher asked one student to write the answers on the whiteboard
Student working on the whiteboard
1 minutes
Teacher gives chance to students to solve the next problem in worksheet so that students will find the inverse of addition on addition of integers
Students work on worksheet
2 minutes
Teacher asked one student to write the answers on the whiteboard
Student working on the whiteboard
1 minutes
C.    Closing
3 minutes
Teacher gives the task some of the questions that must be done by students
Students write down and solve the problem
1 minutes
Teacher asks some students to express what they have learned
Students express have just learned
1 minutes
Teacher asks the students to learn the material for the next meeting that is the properties of the operation of subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers
Students listen
30 seconds
Teacher close the lesson with pray and greeting
Students pray and answer greeting
30 seconds
V.      Learning Resources
Wagiyo, dkk. 2008. Pegangan Belajar Matematika untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII. Jakarta: Galaxy Puspa Mega.
VI.      Assessment
Type                               : Individual assignment  
Form of Instrument          : Essay
A.    Question
Fill in the blank!
1.      8 + (-3) = … + 8 = …
2.      7 + … = 0
3.      … + 0 = -3
4.      2 + ((-4) + 6) = (…  + …) + … = …
5.      6 + 25 = 6 + (… + …) = …
B.     Answer Key
1.      8 + (-3) = (-3) + 8 = 5
2.      7 + (-7) = 0
3.      (-3) + 0 = -3
4.      2 + ((-4) + 6) = (2 + (-4)) + 6 = 4
5.      6 + 25 = 6 + (20 + 5) = 31
Yogyakarta, April 3rd 2012
                                                                                                                                      Fifi Yuniarti
                                                                                                                             NIM. 09301244030

Student Worksheet
 Topic              : Identify the addition properties on integers
Purpose          : Encourage students to discover the addition properties on integers
Objectives       : Students can find the addition properties on integers
Equipment     : Stationery
Instructions    : Fill in the blank below to get the addition properties on integers  

Addition Properties on Integers
Activity 1
1)      2 + 5 = ….
2 is an integer member
5 is an integer member
2)      17 + (-9) = ….
17 is an integer member
-9 is an integer member
3)       (-32) + (-11) = ….
-32 is an integer member
-11 is an integer member
From number 1), 2) and 3), the sum of two integers above is an …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Properties above is Closure Law.
That is, if a and b are element of integers then a + b also element of integers.

Activity 2
4)      7 + 8 = ….
5)      8 + 7 = ….
6)      2 + (-17) = ….
7)      (-17) + 2 = ….
8)      (-3) + (-5) = ….
9)      (-5) + (-3) = ….
From number 4) and 5) it can be concluded:
From number 6) and 7) it can be concluded:
From number 8) and 9) it can be concluded:
Properties above is Commutative Properties.
That is, if a and b are element of integers then:

Activity 3
10)  (9 + 8) + 2 = ….
11)  9 + (8 + 2) = ….
12)  ((-7) + 12) + (-13) = ….
13)  (-7) + (12 + (-13)) = ….
14)  ((-3) + (-1)) + (-5) = ….
15)  (-3) + ((-1) + (-5)) = ….
From number 10) and 11) it can be concluded:
From number 12) and 13) it can be concluded:
From number 14) and 15) it can be concluded:
Properties above is Associative Properties.
That is, if a, b, and c are element of integers then:

Activity 4
16)  8 + 0 = …
17)  0 + 8 = …
18)  (-12) + 0 = …
19)  0 + (-12) = …
From number 16) and 17) it can be concluded:
From number 18) and 19) it can be concluded:
For every a is an integer then:
So, …… is Identity Element on addition integer.  

Activity 5
20)  -1 + 1 = …
21)  -2 + 2 = …
From number 15) and 16), it can be concluded, for every a is an integer then:
So, …… is Inverse from a in the integer addition operations.  
Student ID

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