Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Developing the Innovative Teaching Learning Process

Mathematics is a subject that is considered part of students as subjects that are difficult to learn. Moreover, by students who are working right brain is more dominant in their daily activities. With this assumption, then the mathematics would be an obstacle in the learning process for most students. Mathematics subjects are not much liked by the students at the school. Most of the students in the school should feel afraid of the mathematic subjects. Therefore, the effort required teachers to be able to make the subjects of mathematics into subjects that are not scary but it is a subject of interest by students at the school.
Mathematics is a lesson that consists of the material count operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Mathematics is considered as a hard lesson for students. However, this difficulty can be overcome with a lot of practice at home, with tutoring, and can’t be separated from a parent’s attention.

To develop innovative teaching learning process, it takes several steps, among others:
A.    Preparation
Preparation step include several things, such as:
1.      Curriculum
According to Marsigit, we perceive that curriculum development needs a comprehensive and in-depth study of all the aspects involved, there are at least six principles as a guide:
a.       The chance to learn mathematics for all
b.      Curriculum is not just a collection of subject matters but it should reflect mathematical activities coherently
c.       Teaching learning of mathematics need a comprehensive theory of students activities, their readiness to learn and teacher role of facilitating their learn
d.      The chance to the learner to develop their mathematical concepts
e.       The needs to develop assessment imbedded to teaching learning processes
f.       Employing many kinds of teaching learning sources
Curriculum includes:

a.       Standard competencies
b.      Basic competencies
c.       Objectives
d.      Indicator

2.      Approach / Design
Design of learning includes:
a.       Contextual learning
Is reality-based, outside-of-the-classroom experience, within a specific context which serves as a catalyst for students to utilize their disciplinary knowledge, and which presents a forum for further formation of their personal values, faith, and professional development.
b.      Constructivist
Is the theory that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas. The Constructivist learning process is experiential learning through real life experience to construct and conditionalize knowledge.
c.       Realistic mathematics
Is a teaching and learning theory in mathematics education that characterized by: the use of contexts, the use of models, the use of students’ own productions and constructions, the interactive character of the teaching process, the intertwinement of various learning strands.
d.      Problem based learning
Is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject in the context of complex, multifaceted, and realistic problems.
e.       Cooperative learning
Is an approach to organizing classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences.
3.      Method
Method of learning includes:
a.       Discussion
Is a method in which teachers act as mentors, helpers, appraisers, or discussion leader. In the discussion the students are required to always be actively participating. Students are trained to think critically, be ready with the right to express opinions, to think objectively, and respect others opinions.
b.      Inquiry
Is a method that centered on the students. With the inquiry method, students can acquire knowledge that is not yet know through direct notification by teachers, but students find themselves partially or completely the new knowledge.
c.       Practical work
Is a method in which students are required to do a lot of exercises to memorize and exercises practice. Exercise memorization is an activity that generally emphasizes mathematics fact. Exercise practice is an exercise of considering a number of steps in an activity to arrive at a correct answer. 
d.      Small group discussion
According to Marsigit, the group discussion is based on principles of promoting children’s growth and development through play activities which encourage children to explore, experiment, question, and talk. Teacher’s efforts to facilitate their students to find various patterns of numbers can be seen as consistent with extending the students’ experiences and encouraging social interaction between children. The small group discussion may be thought of as constituting a set of culturally organized activities provided by the teacher who tried to encourage children to communicate their concepts to the others.
4.      Teaching Materials
Teaching materials includes:
a.       Lesson plan
Lesson plan is a step that carried out the teacher where the teacher makes the planning process learning activities in the classroom. The purpose with the lesson plan is expected to be better prepared teachers in teaching, teachers have a reference in learning activities that will be implemented, teachers also can develop lesson plan that engage students so that students not only became a listener only, and thus students will have a role as well as being more actively in learning activities.
b.      Students’ worksheet
Student’s worksheet is one means to help and facilitate in the teaching and learning activities that will form an effective interaction between students and teachers, and can increase student’s activity in improving learning achievement. Student’s worksheet is one type of learning tool for students because the student’s worksheet will help the students to add information about the topic being studied and can increase student’s skill in independent learning.
c.       Hand Out
Hand out is the learning resources which are usually arranged by a teacher the subjects.
d.      Text Book
According to Marsigit, teachers’ competencies of developing textbooks, such as:

1)      Motivation
2)      Theory
3)      Attitude
4)      Practice
5)      Individual experiences
6)      Community experiences
7)      Systemic experiences

Novice taechers’ perception on good textbook for mathematics, such as:
1)      The textbook should be systematic
2)      The textbook should be completed by exercise
3)      The textbook should be understandable, meaningful, and consist of good example
4)      The textbook should be innovative
5)      The textbook should facilitate students’ activities
6)      The textbook should be based on curriculum
7)      The textbook should contain good problem solving
e.       Teaching Aids
Teaching aids is all object and activities which mediates the occurrence of a learning activity.
B.     Implementation
Teaching learning process includes:                                                                    
1.      Apperception
Apperception is the readiness of teachers and students to undergo mathematics learning activities.
2.      Small group discussion
Small group discussion is a group that consists of 3 until 4 students where every student is expected to have their respective roles in the group.
3.      Various method
Teaching method is a way of learning that is used to delivering a material or topic.
4.      Various media
Various media is all object and activities which mediates the occurrence of a learning activity.
5.      Various interaction
Interaction is a mutual relationship between two people or more, and every people involved in an active role. Interactions in learning of mathematics involve the interaction between teachers and students and between students with other students. 
6.      Lesson plan
Lesson plan is a step that carried out the teacher where the teacher makes the planning process learning activities in the classroom.
7.      Student’s worksheet
Student’s worksheet is one means to help and facilitate in the teaching and learning activities that will form an effective interaction between students and teachers, and can increase student’s activity in improving learning achievement.
8.      Student’s reflection
Student’s reflections or presentation is student’s ability for present ideas or opinions in front of the classroom or in front of other person.
9.      Cognitive scheme
The scheme for achieving student’s competencies is an attempt to increase the result of learning maximum. Teachers can provide a handle learning as learning modules that can be used by students to do a lot of exercise. Book module is used as a reference book to run a system of learning mathematics in school.
10.  Conclusion by the students
Is how one student summed up the learning results that have been undertaken on a certain day.
11.  Assessment
Assessment is the process of collecting and processing information to determine student achievement.
C.    Reflection
1.      Teacher’s reflection
Is the ability of teachers to reflect on the learning results that have been implemented.
2.      Observer’s reflection
Is the ability of an observer to express an opinion based on learning thet he/she had observed.
3.      Summaries
A summary of the learning that has been implemented.

To create the innovative teaching learning mathematics, it is necessary to teaching methods and teaching materials are varied to avoid monotony of learning to use only one method of learning and one teaching materials.  

Marsigit. “Supporting Evidences and Monitoring To Develop School-Based Curriculum for Junior High School Mathematics In Indonesia”. [Online]. Tersedia:,%20Dr.,%20M.A./Marsigit_Article_Indonesia_Support_Evidences%20Develop%20School%20Based%20Curr_for%20Math%20JHS.pdf.  [3 Maret 2012].

Marsigit, Shisumi. “Stimulating Primary Mathematics Group-Discussion”. [Online]. Tersedia: [3 Maret 2012].

Marsigit. 2010. “Developing Teacher Training Textbooks for Lesson Study in Indonesia”. [Online]. Tersedia:,%20Dr.,%20M.A./Marsigit_Paper_Develop%20Textbook_APEC%20Confer_17_21%20February_2010_Tokyo_0.pdf.  [3 Maret 2012].

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