Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Factors Affecting Teaching Learning In the Classroom

Mathematics is a lesson that consists of the material count operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Mathematics is considered as a hard lesson for students. However, this difficulty can be overcome with a lot of practice at home, with tutoring, and can’t be separated from a parent’s attention.
Mathematics is a subject that is considered part of students as subjects that are difficult to learn. Moreover, by students who are working right brain is more dominant in their daily activities. With this assumption, then the mathematics would be an obstacle in the learning process for most students. Mathematics subjects are not much liked by the students at the school. Most of the students in the school should feel afraid of the mathematic subjects. Therefore, the effort required teachers to be able to make the subjects of mathematics into subjects that are not scary but it is a subject of interest by students at the school.

Teaching learning in the classroom is interaction between students and teachers. Therefore, teachers must be able to provide the opportunity for students to be able to participate actively in learning. But in fact, many teachers are using the conventional method in teaching learning. The teachers given to the explanation and the students just listen what the teachers say without activeness in the classroom. So what happen is student to be good listeners. Some of things that affect teaching learning process in the classroom include:
1.      Educational Facilities
Existing facilities in the classroom or school affect teaching learning in the classroom. With the existence of adequate facilities, it will be very easy for teachers to provide an innovative learning system.  
2.      Teaching Media
Media is a tool that can be used in teaching learning process in the classroom. Such as whiteboards, board markers, rulers, etc. With the tools, learning in the classroom can be done.
3.      Teaching Aids
Teaching aids is an aid that can be used in learning in the classroom. Such of aids is may include props. This aids that can increase the creativity of students in learning. Some of the purpose of teaching aid used in the learning of mathematics, among others:
a.       Make students more understand the concepts being studied
b.      Provide a variety of activities for students
c.       Provide a variety of learning methods that can be used in studying a topic
d.      Provide a different atmosphere in the learning.
4.      Teaching Method
In teaching and learning mathematics should teacher use many more methods provide the opportunity for students to solve mathematics problems by using his way. In this way, it will produce students who are active, critical, increase interest and excitement in learning mathematics. Several methods can be used in mathematics teaching and learning activities, among others:
a.       Expository Method
b.      Discussion Method
c.       Exercise Method
d.      Demonstration Method
e.       Discovery Method
f.       Problem Solving Method
5.      Psychological Aspect
Another thing that affects teaching learning process in the classroom is the psychology students and teachers. Because of psychology students and teachers are not good, and then learning in the classroom is not going to get maximum results.
6.      Context of Teaching Learning (culture)
Culture of teaching provided by teachers in the classroom also very effort in students learning result. Because of the way of teaching provided by teachers that will determine what students will understand about the material learned.  
7.      Syllabi
Syllabi prepared based on the curriculum set by the school. The content of syllabi is such as standards of competence, basic competence, indicator, and the purpose of learning to be implemented.
8.      Lesson Plan
Lesson plan is a step that carried out the teacher where the teacher makes the planning process learning activities in the classroom. Lesson Plan also prepared based on the curriculum set by the school. With the lesson plan is expected to be better prepared teachers in teaching, teachers have a reference in learning activities that will be implemented, teachers also can develop lesson plan that engage students so that students not only became a listener only, and thus students will have a role as well as being more actively in learning activities.
9.      Student’s Worksheet
Student’s worksheet is one means to help and facilitate in the teaching and learning activities that will form an effective interaction between students and teachers, and can increase student’s activity in improving learning achievement. Student’s worksheet is one type of learning tool for students because the student’s worksheet will help the students to add information about the topic being studied and can increase student’s skill in independent learning.
10.  Assessment
Assessment is the process of collecting and processing information to determine student achievement. With the assessment, the teacher will know which students who have understood the material in learning and which students who have not understood the material in learning.
11.  Teaching Learning Resources
Learning resources used in teaching learning process very effort the learning process in the classroom. Learning resources is what will be a reference to learn the students and teachers.
12.  Philosophy à Theories à Paradigm
Learning paradigm come from the theories and philosophies that have role in education.
13.  Technology
The development in technology also may affect learning system of students. With the development in technology can be used to develop the insight and knowledge of students.

Another thing that is important in mathematics learning is motivation. Students need the motivation that will encourage students to become more active in learning activities. Student motivation can be obtained either from parents or teachers at school. According to Marsigit, some teacher efforts to improve student’s motivation in learning mathematics, among others:
a.       Teachers provide fun activities for students
b.      Teachers noticed the students wishes
c.       Teachers creates a classroom atmosphere that supports and stimulates students’ learning
d.      Teachers provide activities that correspond to the learning objectives
e.       Teachers provide challenging activities for students
f.       Teachers appreciate every achievements of students
g.      Teachers build understanding through what students know
h.      Teachers provide activities that give hope of success

The method that used in teaching learning process in the classroom is affecting the activity and creativity of students in the classroom. Therefore, teachers are expected to provide an innovative learning system so that students will be more involved in teaching learning in the classroom. Innovative learning system must be implemented by teachers from time to time.

Marsigit. “Usaha Guru dalam Meningkatkan Minat Siswa Mempelajari Matematika”. [Online]. Tersedia:  [14 September 2011]